Only 25 PLN – this is the cost of a single food parcel to save people from starvation. It is not only a real help to people in a difficult situation, but also it gives them the feeling that they are not alone, that they can count on people with generous hearts.
The situation in Ukraine is dramatic. Immediate help needs of up to 5 million people. Especially affected by the humanitarian crisis, group are elderly and it to them together with Grupa and Kulczyk Foundation we are going to deliver food packages. The cost of one package for an elderly person who was deprived of home, food, security and hope by the Ukrainian war is 25 PLN. Single food parcel is a real rescue, because it allows them to survive another two weeks without fear of starvation. We will not succeed without your help!
Let’s help together: by clicking on the link at the end of the text. – This way you can do something good, responsible and sensible for people in Ukraine.